Training content developer jobs & Careers

What is a Training Content Developer Job?

A Training Content Developer is a professional who creates educational materials for various industries, including corporate, healthcare, and education. They design, develop, and deliver training programs that help individuals and organizations improve their knowledge and skills. The training materials they create can include e-learning courses, videos, podcasts, webinars, presentations, manuals, and other learning resources. Training Content Developers work closely with subject matter experts, trainers, instructional designers, and project managers to ensure that the training programs meet the learners' needs and achieve the desired learning outcomes.

What Usually Do in This Position?

Training Content Developers work on various stages of the training content creation process. They start by conducting needs analysis to identify the learners' needs and the skills and knowledge they need to acquire. They then design the training program, including the learning objectives, content outline, and instructional strategies. Once the design is approved, they develop the training materials, which can include writing scripts, creating graphics and animations, recording audio and video, and editing and publishing the content. They also conduct quality assurance tests to ensure that the training materials are error-free and meet the regulatory and compliance standards.

Top 5 Skills for This Position?

  1. Strong Writing Skills: Training Content Developers need to have excellent writing skills to create clear, concise, and engaging content that is easy to understand.
  2. Subject Matter Expertise: They need to have a deep understanding of the industry they are working in and the subject matter they are developing training materials for.
  3. Instructional Design Skills: They need to have a solid understanding of instructional design principles and be able to apply them to create effective and engaging training programs.
  4. Technical Skills: They need to have technical skills to work with various software tools and platforms to create and deliver training content, including learning management systems, authoring tools, and multimedia software.
  5. Project Management Skills: They need to have strong project management skills to manage multiple projects simultaneously, meet deadlines, and work within budget constraints.

How to Become a Training Content Developer?

To become a Training Content Developer, you typically need a bachelor's degree in instructional design, education, or a related field. Additionally, you need to have experience in the industry you want to work in and subject matter expertise. You can gain experience by working in a related role, such as a trainer, instructional designer, or technical writer. You also need to have strong writing, instructional design, technical, and project management skills. Many Training Content Developers also hold industry certifications in instructional design or related fields to demonstrate their expertise.

Average Salary for a Training Content Developer?

According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for a Training Content Developer is $65,125 per year in the United States. However, salaries can vary depending on the industry, company size, location, and level of experience. For example, Training Content Developers working in the technology industry or for large corporations may earn higher salaries than those working in the non-profit sector or for smaller companies.

Roles and Types of Training Content Developer Jobs?

Training Content Developer jobs can be found in various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and education. Some of the roles and types of Training Content Developer jobs include:
  • Corporate Training Content Developer: Develops training programs for employees in corporate settings, such as sales, customer service, leadership, and compliance training.
  • Healthcare Training Content Developer: Develops training materials for healthcare professionals, such as nurses, doctors, and medical staff, on topics such as patient care, safety, and compliance.
  • Education Training Content Developer: Develops training materials for educators, such as teachers, administrators, and staff, on topics such as curriculum development, instructional strategies, and technology integration.
  • Technical Training Content Developer: Develops training materials for technical professionals, such as engineers, IT professionals, and software developers, on topics such as software applications, programming languages, and hardware systems.

Locations with the Most Popular Training Content Developer Jobs in the USA?

Training Content Developer jobs are available across the United States, but some locations have more opportunities than others. According to Glassdoor, the top five cities for Training Content Developer jobs are:
  1. San Francisco, CA
  2. New York, NY
  3. Chicago, IL
  4. Boston, MA
  5. Washington, DC

What Are the Typical Tools Used by Training Content Developers?

Training Content Developers use various software tools and platforms to create and deliver training content. Some of the typical tools used by Training Content Developers include:
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): Software platforms used to manage and deliver training courses and track learners' progress.
  • Authoring Tools: Software programs used to create e-learning courses, such as Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and Camtasia.
  • Graphic Design Software: Programs used to create visual elements for training materials, such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Audio and Video Editing Software: Programs used to record, edit, and produce audio and video content, such as Adobe Audition, Final Cut Pro, and Premiere Pro.
  • Virtual Classroom Software: Platforms used to deliver live online training sessions, such as Zoom, WebEx, and GoToMeeting.

In Conclusion

Training Content Developers play a vital role in creating educational materials that help individuals and organizations improve their knowledge and skills. They need to have strong writing, instructional design, technical, and project management skills, as well as subject matter expertise in the industry they are working in. With the demand for online and remote learning increasing, the job market for Training Content Developers is expected to grow in the coming years. If you have a passion for education and a talent for creating engaging content, a career in Training Content Development may be the right fit for you.